Thursday, December 13, 2007

C. Blattman: How to get a PhD *and* save the world

'Tis the season for graduate school applications and associated angst. Several aspiring political scientists and economists have asked me for my thoughts and advice, and I've generally started by pointing them to Greg Mankiw's excellent Advice for Aspiring Economists and Advice for Grad Students.

Mankiw's advice does not quite cater, however, to those of us that are young, idealistic, and want to pursue PhD research that makes life better for those less fortunate. For those so inclined, I offer the following addenda.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

H-W. Sinn: Food or Fuel?

The Economist: The End of Cheap Food

Rising food prices are a threat to many; they also present the world with an enormous opportunity

Rising incomes in Asia and ethanol subsidies in America have put an end to a long era of falling food prices

Resources for Economists

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

S. Johnson-Food and Biofuels: The Price of Success

"In a column in the December 2007 edition of Finance & Development magazine, IMF Chief Economist Simon Johnson looks at how the adoption of biofuels is driving up world food prices. He suggests that rich countries could help limit the rise, which is hurting the poor in low-income countries the most, by removing ethanol subsidies and cutting high tariffs."